Circuit Design
Basic Circuits
Basic circuits
Resistor combination circuits
All circuits with two and three resistors.
Resistor combination circuits
All circuits with two and three resistors.
Semiconductor basics
Diode in forward and reverse bias
How does the diode behave in the basic circuits of the reverse direction and the forward direction with calculation examples?
Diode in forward and reverse bias
How does the diode behave in the basic circuits of the reverse direction and the forward direction with calculation examples?
Semiconductor basics
Diode and resistor in series
What happens when you combine a diode with a serial resistor? Here you find explanations and calculations.
Diode and resistor in series
What happens when you combine a diode with a serial resistor? Here you find explanations and calculations.
Semiconductor basics
PNP transistor as a switch
How to use a bipolar pnp transistor to switch small and large loads.
PNP transistor as a switch
How to use a bipolar pnp transistor to switch small and large loads.