x118x Normized value: 1180 Normized value 5 rings: 118 Band Numbers 5 rings: 118 brown brown grey brown valid4Bands = 0
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1.18 k ohm resistor color code

The color code of the 1.18 k ohm resistor is:

5 band resistor

brown - brown - grey - brown - [Tolerance]
Resistor housung left Resistor band 1 Resistor housing 1 Resistor band 2 Resistor housing 2 Resistor band 3 Resistor housing 3 Resistor band 3 Resistor housing 3 Resistor band 4 Resistor housung right

Part of the standardized E-series

E3 E6 E12 E24 E48 E96 E192
In E3 In E6 In E12 In E24 In E48 In E96 In E192

That could bore you too:
The standardized E-series of resistors. List of all values.
Electronic components
Resistor series E3 - E192
Resistor Code Reading Direction.
Basics for Nerds
Resistor Reading Direction
Schematic of diode in reverse bias
Semiconductor basics
Diode in forward and reverse bias
Transistor symbol and PCB
Semiconductor basics
PNP transistor as a switch

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